Probably the most common psychological problem associated with insomnia is depression; there is a fundamental link between the two that goes beyond the chemical factors secreted by the brain in various nervous central system disorders. Depression and insomnia are actually connected by the presence of bad thoughts directed towards oneself and the rest of the world. Personal dissatisfaction, emotional problems, over-stressing working conditions, various traumas are usually behind any depression and insomnia. The most significant disadvantage in the use of classical medication prescribed for the treatment of depression is that it doesn’t actually solve the issues that trigger the condition in the first place, and further recurrence remains possible.
People who suffer from depression and insomnia are encouraged to develop as many rewarding activities as possible; boosts of confidence, small successes, communication and openness, as well as emotional stability are among the best cures for such disorders. Most nervous system problems are associated with insomnia, from the very simple to the most complex of cases, and fortunately depression is considered a mild affection that can be helped by various means which are complementary with classical therapy. Acupuncture and acupressure, for instance, have been successfully used in the treatment of both depression and insomnia, with positive results obvious immediately after the sessions.
By the stimulation of special points on the body, the therapist actually opens the natural body circuit that is responsible for the elimination of the negative energies accumulated in the physical structures. The treatment of depression and insomnia by means of acupuncture is tributary to the Asian healing techniques that consider each health affection as having a manifold structure: spiritual, energetic and physical. Every time you are unhappy, a physical reaction takes place in the body by the secretion of some chemicals which can be more or less harmful, depending on the amount. This is why people who suffer from depression find it so difficult to sleep well; tension accumulates in the tissues and prevents the normal functioning of the system.
The use of acupressure and acupuncture reinstates the natural energetic flow in the body favoring relaxation and freedom feelings to take the place of the negative burden that didn’t let you sleep. 90% of the patients who have used acupressure or acupuncture, have reported significant improvement for both depression and insomnia. Nevertheless, it goes without saying that in order to preserve a proper health state, one needs to stick to a balanced way of life, trying to keep emotions under control and avoiding excesses of all kinds.