The food we eat has a very important impact on all the body structures, influencing nervous and physical activities alike; therefore, don’t be surprised to discover that insomnia and nutrition are interrelated. Food digestion requires a certain amount of effort from the muscles around the stomach, and this very area is rich in nervous ramifications; hence, heavy meals in the evening are not recommended since they can easily trigger sleep disorders. The last meal of the day should be taken at least two hours before going to bed, to allow enough time to the stomach to process food. Insomnia and nutrition affect people of all ages alike, not to mention that there is also a psychological dimension of the problem as well.
Food difficult to process lies behind insomnia and nutrition problems; this is why nutritionists recommend only light meals after six o’clock in the evening. Fruit and salads, dairy products, cereals, soup or broth are easier to digest in the evening, whereas meat, sweets and fat dishes are the require the most intense of efforts on the part of the digestive system. Therapists advise people who suffer from both insomnia and nutrition problems to try to drink a glass of warm milk sweetened with honey before going to bed; it is said to have a soothing effect and to induce natural sleep without the slightest of efforts on your part.
Insomnia and nutrition problems are common among overweight people who experience the syndrome of “emotional hunger“. Due to depression, or emotional instability, one could get up in the middle of the night with food cravings, and she or he may not be able to sleep until the craving is satisfied. Such disorders involve both sleep and eating habits, being deeply rooted in psychological issues that demand a quick solution. The measure to be taken seems simple: therapy and professional help should be undergone by anyone with insomnia and nutrition problems.
Some food items are more likely to cause insomnia and nutrition problems than others. A good example here is chocolate; due to the large amount of cocoa it contains, particularly in dark varieties, chocolate can cause agitation and sleeplessness in children and sensitive adults alike. The explanation behind such insomnia and nutrition imbalances triggered by chocolate consists in the amount of lecithin that it contains. Lecithin is a brain stimulator, activating the nervous impulses at the level of the central nervous system; this is why it is advisable not to allow children to eat chocolate in excess.