Natural Cures for Insomnia


Though the most common cures for insomnia are considered to be the sleeping pills, they are not the most beneficial to one’s health during long-term administration as they can lead to addiction and a whole range of side effects due to the toxicity of the chemical compounds which drugs normally include. Therefore, the present-day tendency is to direct people’s attention and increase the awareness concerning alternative natural cures for insomnia. It would be totally incorrect to relate cures for insomnia with one pill or another that you administrate; let’s have a look at what cures can be used at the personal or individual level and which are very much within reach.

From the many herbal mixtures that allow the nervous system to relax progressively before the installation of a sleepy state we can mention two great extracts: lavender and orange essential oils. Mainly used in aromatherapy, these two natural cures for insomnia work wonders for the release of the negative pressure accumulated during the day. Putting two drops of lavender oil on the pillow will ensure a very relaxing and comfortable sleep, or you may add some essential orange oil into the hot bath you take before going to bed. When used in combination with some soft background music and dim light, such cures for insomnia work wonders.

The best music to be used for the treatment of insomnia is the one that imitates nature sounds: the rhythmical sound of waves crashing on the seashore, a mountain water spring gently flowing over rocks or the birds chirruping in a rich forest. Such cures for insomnia can be used in combination with other alternative methods as well; some people choose to learn yoga medication techniques, some other simply prefer to achieve self control and be able to eliminate any tension from both body and mind in order to go to sleep. There are some other very basic elements you may have to consider and apply in order to eliminate sleeping problems.

Some personal habits we may develop are detrimental to the way we shape our sleep disposition. In case you are presently using the bed for reading, watching TV or simply relaxing, you’ll have to give up such practices and try to use this special house corner exclusively for sleeping; you’ll thus create a cycle and a mind trigger too, and going to bed will no longer be a waste of time. Such healthy practices as the one mentioned above combined with a good sleeping schedule, which means going to bed and getting up at the same time every day – could make great cures for insomnia.



Hi, my name is Larissa.

I like the simple things in life. I like Nature and plants and I’ve spent most of my life trying to understand their effects on us. I believe we have lost much of the vast knowledge our ancestors had, and I believe we should get it back.

I put this blog together with the aim of sharing things that interest me and that can help you…

Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you find something to interest you along the way.



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