The Most Frequent Insomnia Causes


The elements that trigger insomnia are manifold and very complex, and sometimes a combination of several factors is possible whether they are physical or psychological. Identifying insomnia causes for an individual case is the first step to be taken in order to improve the condition and come up with a cure. The most important thing to know is the type of insomnia one suffers from: is it temporary or chronic? Temporary insomnia causes are usually rooted in the work and family environment of the person; too many worries, money problems, emotional insecurity, difficult choices, all these can make anyone lose the good night’s rest.

If you had too much coffee and a very stressful day, it is very likely that you find it difficult to fall asleep particularly if ridden by thoughts. You may identify the temporary insomnia causes on your own, by a simple analysis of the elements that trigger it: introspection is the best way to do so; once you are aware of the factors responsible for your insomnia, it’s time to relax and let your mind free of all worries. Most people find it a lot more comfortable to take a sleeping pill and thus solve the problem; nevertheless, the shortest way is not always the safest, after all we are talking about chemically induced sleep, which should be the last resort.

Working in night shifts is also part of insomnia causes; when a person cannot develop a normal sleep-wake cycle, and the adjustment to a relatively chaotic program is very difficult. Insomnia occurs in such cases due to the disturbance of cardiac rhythm and the lack of constancy in the pattern. It is for such patients that most doctors also prescribe the use of various forms of sleeping pills, usually some with a short-term use; however, it would be a good idea for people who come to identify work shifts as their insomnia causes to learn meditation techniques and possibly yoga in order to be able to enter a sleep-like state more easily.

There are also situations when insomnia causes are actually severe health problems that prevent a good night’s rest: here we can include chronic ailments such as asthma, restless leg syndrome, Parkinson’s disease, arthritis, allergies and so on. Sometimes, sleep disorders are actually triggered by some of the medications one takes to treat another health problem, since many drugs used to treat hypertension, for instance, include insomnia as one of the major side effects.This is by far not a singular example. Talking to the doctor and asking for advice in order to best deal with the problem is the only solution under the circumstances.



Hi, my name is Larissa.

I like the simple things in life. I like Nature and plants and I’ve spent most of my life trying to understand their effects on us. I believe we have lost much of the vast knowledge our ancestors had, and I believe we should get it back.

I put this blog together with the aim of sharing things that interest me and that can help you…

Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you find something to interest you along the way.



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