Top 3 Shingles Natural Remedies


If you’re looking for Shingles Natural Remedies, you’ve come to the right place.

Shingles isn’t a fun virus to get. It starts as Chicken Pox, which people most commonly experienced as a child, but adults can get it too. At a later stage in life, the virus can re-emerge itself as a painful rash called Shingles.

It is extremely important to begin treating your condition as soon as possible with the best Shingles Natural Remedies. I believe in a natural approach to cure Shingles, as taking drugs or chemical lotions can be quite harmful for your body.

I’ve compiled for a you a list of some useful Shingles Natural Remedies that you can begin using right away.

1) Oatmeal Bath

One of the most beneficial Shingles Natural Remedies is the oatmeal bath. Baths are great because you can soak your entire body underwater. Plus, good quality oatmeal blended up and added to a bathtub can stop itchiness, burning, pain and has a healing effect on the blisters.

2) Neem Leaves

Neem Leaves is also a very useful Shingles remedy. You can find Neem Leaves at your local health foods store. You just simply add a few of them to a lukewarm bath, mix it up, and enjoy the added healing effects.

3) Honey

A lot of people enjoy using Honey as one of the Shingles Natural Remedies. You will want to make sure you are using natural, organic Honey (nothing too processed). Just smear a thin layer overy our skin and leave it on for a while. This should help with the itchiness, burning, pain and healing.

Try out these three Shingles Natural Remedies. It is important to take gentle care of the infected skin while it is covered in blisters and spots. The reason is that you don’t want any of the blisters to turn into scars or get much worse.



Hi, my name is Larissa.

I like the simple things in life. I like Nature and plants and I’ve spent most of my life trying to understand their effects on us. I believe we have lost much of the vast knowledge our ancestors had, and I believe we should get it back.

I put this blog together with the aim of sharing things that interest me and that can help you…

Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you find something to interest you along the way.



Top 3 Shingles Natural Remedies

Top 3 Shingles Natural Remedies

If you’re looking for Shingles Natural Remedies, you’ve come to the right place. Shingles isn’t a fun virus to get. It starts as Chicken Pox, which people most commonly experienced as a child, but adults can get it too. At a later stage in life, the virus can...

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Holistic Approach to Treating Shingles

Holistic Approach to Treating Shingles

Many traditional medicines used to treat shingles do not actually help and if anything are known to even prolong the condition of the virus. The holistic approach to treating shingles actually takes into account it derives from the herpes virus. With this in mind,...

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