Premenstrual syndrome or simply called PMS describes a pretty complex condition in women. It is a generic name given to a bunch of different symptoms that affect a woman for part or the entire period comprised between ovulation and period. These symptoms are both of physical and psychological nature and vary from woman to woman. Their severity is also variable and some women only feel a slight discomfort while others suffer of terrible pains. Physical symptoms include bloating, headaches, breast pain, constipation, tiredness, swollen extremities or abdominal pain and swelling. Psychological symptoms are harder to be kept under control and can really affect a woman’s professional and personal life.
They are very hard to cope with especially in women who are affected by PMS for 14 days every month. Women with premenstrual syndrome often feel irritated and nervous and their state of mind is terrible. Mood swings are also common as well as modifications of the appetite and the libido. It’s hard to be a woman with PMS and it’s also hard to live next to one.
Causes of premenstrual syndrome are not clear so far and further studies are necessary. It is not sure that all symptoms are known by specialists because they are extremely numerous and depend on a variety of factors. It was believed that PMS is caused by hormonal changes, but it was proved that it isn’t so and now experts try to make a connection between hormones, neurotransmitters and this syndrome. Since causes are still a mystery, treatment for PMS is hard to determine.
It is advisable for women affected by PMS to seek relief naturally and to turn to natural remedies. St. John’s Wort is an excellent remedy for irritability and mood swings and helps a woman fight these and keep depression away. In what concerns the physical symptoms, experts’ advice to women is to reduce their salt intake during PMS in order to avoid bloating and to also increase the consumption of foods that are rich in vitamins, especially in Vitamin B. Calcium and magnesium supplements might also help if these minerals are not acquired from the diet in sufficient quantities. Evening primrose oil is recommended in women that want to alleviate breast tenderness. Chaste berry is said to reduce the symptoms of PMS, but the treatment needs to be done for prolonged periods of time and the advice of an expert would be welcomed.
There are also other treatment methods that include hormonal pills and pills that stop ovulation in order to also prevent PMS from occurring. They might have their own side effects, so they are not actually the safest method that women can choose.